Sunday Homily - January 26, 2020 - "Come, follow me!"
Jesus Calls the Fishermen Icon I. His name was "Pappa." His actual name was Harold Brown, more specifically, but to the ones he cared for, he was simply known as "Pappa Brown." In the 1960s, Pappa Brown was a pastor in the town of Covington, Louisiana, and one day, Pappa Brown was called by Jesus to do something foolish. He heard the voice of Jesus calling him to start a children's orphanage. Except, there was one tiny little logistical problem: he had no building, no money, and no space in his family's home to do anything that even looks like orphanage work. But Harold Brown did have one thing: an unshakable faith in God to provide. So Harold started praying. Praying every day, almost hourly, and asked Jesus to provide, if this is what he needed to be doing. And then Harold did something extraordinary. He ...