Sunday Homily - July 21st, 2019 - I'm Such a Martha!
I. "Oh, I'm just such a Martha, but I wish I could be a Mary." "Oh, Jillian is such a Martha, she just works and works and works." Anyone ever heard that phrase before? That someone is a "Martha" and wishes they could be a "Mary?" Well, I wonder where on earth that comparison came from? It seems so familiar, almost as if it's been told for a long time... (turn to the side, pick up cell phone) Wait, what's that, Holy Spirit? Oh! This comes from the story from St. Luke's Gospel, right! The one we just read this morning! Martha and Mary, the sisters in the town of Bethany. In this one story, are sometimes treated as if they are ONLY like this particular passage describes them. Martha, being the one who just works away and Mary the one who humbly sits at Jesus's feet while he teaches. Martha, who worries about the details and gets i...