Sunday Homily - May 26th, 2019 - Peace Only Through Prayer

The Ascension of Jesus Christ Icon I. If someone were to ask you what "Peace" is, what would you say? How would you describe what peace is, and what does it look like? Because when we speak of peace, there are usually several different contexts that we could be implying by the way that we describe it. Peace can be understood as the absence or opposite of war, such as when the Peace of Westphalia was signed, putting an end to the 30 Years War in Europe, or the the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 ending the First World War. But peace can also be a quality or state of being, such as when we speak of someone being "at peace" or existing in a state of peace. Fascinatingly, this is how we usually speak of our beloved dead, those people who are finally at peace. The acronym R.I.P. which adorns many gravestones, stands ...