Sunday Homily - February 24th, 2019 - Who Is My Enemy?
The Betrayal of Christ Icon I. Who is your enemy? And no, this isn't a hypothetical question. It isn't a thought project. I'm being serious: Who is your enemy? Enemy, according to the dictionary, can mean a few different things. One definition is, "a thing that harms or weakens something else." "Laziness is the enemy of progress," for instance. Laziness, of course, being seen as something that harms or weakens progress. Another definition of Enemy is, "a hostile nation, including its armed forces and citizens." This could be something along the lines of, "Nazi Germany was the enemy of England and the United Kingdom in WWII." And then there is a third definition, and it is actually the primary definition of Enemy for the Cambridge Dictionary: "A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something." [all taken from ...