Sunday Homily - October 28th, 2018 - The True Sight of Faith
Jesus Heals a Blind Man Icon I. There was a concert down at Verizon Arena in Little Rock that featured an incredibly prominent artist. And I don’t know if you have ever bought tickets to big-time musical events, but there is a delicate art to purchasing good tickets. And, as a native Arkansan who has been to many a monster truck show at both Verizon Arena and War Memorial Stadium, I knew my way around those stands and I knew where I could get some pretty decent seats. Well, I ended up getting a seat right in the middle of the crowd on the main stage floor smack in the middle of the stage view at about 8 rows back. Now, I’m just about 5’11” tall, give or take, so I’m not going to have trouble seeing over people in the 8 rows in front of me. ...